![]() Croatia Section |
Call for Papers | ![]() |
International Workshop on
Video Processing and Multimedia Communications
June 28-30, 2000 - Borik Hotel Complex, Zadar, Croatia
For the "Instructions for Authors"
click here!
The second VIPromCom is sponsored by IEEE Croatia Section and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER). VIPromCom-2000 will be organised by FER and supported by Croatian Telecommunications (HT) and Croatian Radio Televison (HRT). The scientific program of VIPromCom-2000 will consist of invited lectures and contributed papers. VIPromCom-2000 proceedings will be distributed to the participants at the workshop. The aim of the VIPromCom-2000 is to be an international forum for presentation and discussion of advances in the field and new perspective research areas.
1. General Techniques and Algorithms: Filtering, Enhancement, Restoration, Coding, Segmentation, Multiresolution Processing, Multispectral Processing, Image Representation, Image Analysis, Image Understanding, Interpolation and Spatial Transformations, Wavelets, Neural Networks for Image Processing.
2. Computed Imaging: Acoustic, Radar, Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Geophysical and Seismic, Radio Astronomy, Computer Holography.
3. Image Scanning Display and Printing: Scanning and Sampling, Quantization and Halftoning, Color Reproduction, Rendering, Graphics and Fonts, Data Visualization.
4. Multimedia Processing: Compression for Multimedia, Low Bit Rate and Very Low Bit Rate Coding, Video Object Planes, Identification and Tracking of Regions in Scenes, 2-D/3-D Feature Extraction, Content Generation and Manipulation.
5. Multimedia Databases: Indexing of Images and Video, Motion/Texture/Shape Descriptors, Retrieval and Archiving, Feature-Based Image/Video Query, Searching and Browsing of Images and Video, Authoring and Editing, Digital Library, Content Preparation and Presentation.
6. Multimedia Communications: Equalization and Synchronization, Transport Protocols, QoS Control, Error Concealment and Loss Recovery, Rate Control and Hierarchical Coding, Video over Wireless Channels, Video Streaming, Video Signal Processor Chips, Watermarking and Encryption.
7. Multimedia Applications: WWW and Hypermedia, Videoconferencing and Collaboration Environments, Education and Distant Learning, Telemedicine, Home-shopping, Gaming and Virtual Reality, Java, DTV, SDTV, HDTV, SHDTV, VOD, DVB, DVD, Interactive TV, Video Terminals and Set-Top-Boxes.
8. Standards and Related Issues: ITU-T Standards for Audiovisual Communication, JPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, JPEG2000, MHEG, DAVIC, ATM Forum, HTML, VRML, and others.
Prospective authors are invited to propose full papers (for review) in any of the technical areas listed above. Submission of a proposal (3 copies) should not exceed 6 single spaced pages (min. 12-pt font size), including figures, tables and references. Each submission must also include a cover sheet stating: (1) paper title, (2) authors names, (3) affiliations, (4) e-mail addresses, and (5) technical area (see TOPICS). Submissions please send to VIPromCom-2000 secretariat.
All accepted papers must be orally presented and will be published in the VIPromCom-2000 proceedings.
* Deadline
for submission of full papers * Notification of acceptance * Deadline for submission of camera-ready papers * Preliminary program, registration and hotel forms received by * Deadline for full payment (registration fee = 200 DEM) |
28, 2000 March 17, 2000 April 14, 2000 April 28, 2000 May 19, 2000 * There will be no extension of the deadlines! |
Each participant of the VIPromCom-2000 is required to pay one registration fee per accepted paper. If there is an interest in attending the VIPromCom-2000 (without the paper), one registration fee per attendant is required.
An international ELMAR Symposium and international University Sailing Regatta will be organised during the VIPromCom-2000. The official web pages are: here (for 42nd ELMAR Symposium) and http://wwwin.irb.hr/Regatta/ (for 4th University Sailing Regatta)
There are a good connections by aeroplane and bus from Zagreb to Zadar. The accommodation for the participants and the lectures will be in the Borik hotel complex in Zadar situated in lovely pine woods surrounded by flowering parks on a sandy-pebbly beach. Borik hotel complex is 3 km away from the town centre and 10 km from Zadar airport. For further information see: http://www.st.carnet.hr/zadar/index2.html
Professor Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Croatia
Paul Cristea, Romania
Zarko Cucej, Slovenia
Anthony Davies, United Kingdom
Marek Domanski, Poland
Marko Jagodic, Slovenia
Kalman Fazekas, Hungary
Janus Filipiak, Poland
Borko Furht, USA
Mohammed Ghanbari, United Kingdom
Sonja Grgic, Croatia
Andy Kucar, Canada
Panos Liatsis, United Kingdom
Basil G. Mertzios, Greece
Pavol Podhradsky, Slovakia
Karolj Skala, Croatia
Franc Solina, Slovenia
Jan Turan, Slovak Republic
Krzysztof Wajda, Poland
Branka Zovko-Cihlar, Croatia
Mr. Tomislav Kos
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb
Address: Unska 3 / XII, HR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA
Phone: + 385 1 6129 772
Fax: + 385 1 6129 717
E-mail: not available
URL: http://www.vcl.fer.hr/vip
March 17, 2000
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Welcome to CROATIA ! |