59th International Symposium ELMAR-2017
18-20 September 2017, Zadar, Croatia
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Patient-specific blood flow modelling in the assessment of functional stenosis severity Prof. Panos Liatsis Department of Electrical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute Abstract: In this presentation, we present an approach for the development of patient-specific coronary blood flow models in 3D and 0D domains based on coronary artery geometries reconstructed from Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography datasets (CCTA). The computed flow patterns extend the diagnostic value of CCTA, which, being noninvasive imaging modality, provides only geometric information on the anatomy of epicardial arteries. The clinical indices extracted from the virtual blood flow can be potentially employed in the assessment of the haemodynamic severity of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) lesions as well at the analysis of the underlying mechanisms of formation and localisation of atherosclerotic plaques. Existing patient-specific coronary blood flow modelling approaches are generally characterised by relatively high levels of uncertainty and instability due to a number of unknown factors and modelling assumptions. A novel approach for the implementation of spatially extended patient-specific 0D blood flow models is presented, which significantly decreases high computational costs generally associated with 3D blood flow simulations. While the classical 0D models based on the electrical–hydraulic analogy use the lumped-parameter representation of major vessel tree structures and are thus characterised by limited spatial characteristics, the proposed method for modelling of individual vessel tree branches through a series of 0D elements provides the means for correlation of the computed flow with the precise location along a vessel. Therefore, this extends the applicability of 0D modelling in patient-specific blood flow simulations for the assessment of functional stenosis severity.
About the Keynote Speaker: Dr. Panos Liatsis is the Department Chair and a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Petroleum Institute (PI) in Abu Dhabi. Prior to joining the PI, he was Professor of Image Processing and Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at City University London. He received the Diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Thrace in Greece and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester, UK. Panos’ research interests include pattern recognition, image processing and computer vision, neural and evolutionary systems with applications in biomedical image and signal processing, intelligent transportation systems and cultural heritage. Up to 2015, he successfully supervised to completion a total of 14 PhD students at both Manchester and City University London. He worked extensively with UK and European industry and since 2002, he attracted research funding in excess of 5 Million euros in the broad areas of automotive sensors, optical instrumentation, power systems, medical imaging and non-destructive testing. He published around 200 research contributions in high-impact factor journals, books and international conference proceedings. He is on the editorial boards of various international journals and a member of the International Programme Committees of international conferences in his fields of image processing, pattern recognition and intelligent systems. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the IET and a European Engineer.
Impact of the transition from analog (FM) to digital (DAB+) sound broadcasting on the environmental preservation Tigran Vržina Transmitters & Communications Ltd., Croatia Abstract: Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus (DAB+) is the standard for radio broadcasting which intends to replace analog FM radio in Europe and the digital switchover was already started. This paper addresses the impact that the transition from analog (FM) to digital (DAB+) sound broadcasting has on the preservation of environment, presented through a case study on existing and future Croatian sound broadcasting terrestrial network(s). New digital (DAB+) network is modelled with coverage comparable to six existing national FM networks in Croatia. Number and output power of transmitters within respective network, total used frequency spectrum, radiated output powers (ERP) and cumulated electromagnetic near field strength on characteristic transmitting sites is analyzed. Comparing those existing FM networks and new DAB+ network, the reduction on energy consumption, the savings in frequency spectrum and the reduction of non-ionizing radiation are presented. The impact of the digital compared to the analog radio broadcasting on the environmental preservation is quantified through the reduction in carbon footprint and electromagnetic pollution.
About the Keynote Speaker: Born in 1962 in Zagreb, Croatia. Married; with one son. After graduating in 1987 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Zagreb, he was employed by the company Radio Industry of Zagreb (RIZ-IETA) in the Department of Research and Development of Radiocommunications. In 1990 he started working at the company Transmitters and Communications Ltd. (OiV) in the Installation and Maintenance Department. In 1994 he moved to the Design and Supervision Department where he worked on designing and developing of the analogue radio and television networks. In 1997 he participated in the project of launching the first Digital Radio Transmitter (DAB) in Croatia and the wider region. From 2004 he was the Director of the Engineering Division where he led the majority of investment projects in OiV such as the digital television networks planning, design and construction (three DVB-T free-to-air networks and two DVB-T2 pay-tv), analogue television switch off, planning, designing and building a network of microwave and fiber optical links. From 2014 to 2016 he was the Head project manager of OiV for the project First phase of the digitization of terrestrial television in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As Strategy Division Director from 2015 he works on strategic projects such as the National Programme for the Development of Broadband Backhaul Infrastructure (NP-BBI), development of a national radio communications network based on the DMR Tier III technology designed for professional users and critical communication. He is a member of the State Commission for the development of a National Strategy for Digital Terrestrial Television Transition on DVB-T2 System and 700 MHz Bandwidth Allocation. He actively presented on conferences organized by DigiTag , SEE DigiTv, SOFTCOM and MIPRO. SAR-images analysis and applications Prof. Peter Planinšič University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Slovenia
Abstract: Radars, especially Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) are key sensors for satellite based monitoring of the Earth. The main advantage of SAR-technology over optical sensor systems (LIDAR, visible, infrared and hyperspectral cameras) is its ability to capture Earth-scenes in all weather conditions, day and night. The high resolution (under one half of meter) TerraSAR-X mission and Tandem-X mission, launched by German Aerospace Agency in 2007 and 2010, respectively, and free accessible images from Sentinel missions of European Space Agency (ESA), started in 2016, enable enormous amount of remote sensing data for different Earth observation applications, as disaster and pollution monitoring and prevention, for military and civil applications. For all applications, appropriate SAR-images analysis is crucial. In this talk we will present some of our own developed algorithms for SAR-images de-noising, classification and characterisation, parametric and nonparametric, based mainly on wavelet multiresolution analysis, sparse sensing, Bayesian statistics and Deep learning classification.
About the Keynote Speaker: Dr. Peter Planinšič received Dipl. Ing. degree in 1991 and Dr. Sc. degree in 2000, all in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He is a member of IEEE, SPIE (till 2014) and IFAC (Slovenian association for automation) and corresponding member of European Academy of Science in Brussel.
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